Monday, most of the people will feel 'blue', especially siting in office, and have to read through hundred of emails which accumulated during weekend.
For me, I wouldn't feel so 'blue', because I do feel 'light-blue' everyday. However, yesterday were different! While I nearly stifle by answering call from Taiwan, there was one Singapore customer that actually "cheer" me up.
"Hai-ed, this is Ar-lu from xxx Corp. Can i give you my tag number?", said an Indian guy.
"Of course sir!May I have the Service Tag number?"
I need to take 3mins to obtain the service tag from this customer, due to he is in data center and his heavy accent. After verify the service tag number, I noticed that he is new caller, no contact details from our database; and yet I've no chance to get his contact number, due to his words come out like a machine gun from his mouth.
Then, I took another 20mins just to understand the issue; Finally, I use 15mins to explain the service arrangement to him.
At last, he said this to me:
"..ok sir, please have your onsite engineer to call my mobile phone.." , then he hang up the phone.
I were wondering what number should I reach him since he just hang up the phone like this. Surprisingly, I laughed. Immediately I share this in my Facebook and get few reply from my friends.
Roughly 15mins later, he call back, and kind of blame me as below:
"..oh, I thought you should have my mobile number since i'm your customer..."
I laughed after I end this call, and think how funny this customer it is. Superstar like Jackie Chan's contact details wouldn't know by any of us, what say him?