Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Medusa - The famous Gorgons in Greek Mythology

Special thanks to the movie - "Clash of the Titan" that make me want to know more about the most famous Gorgons in Greek Mythology - Medusa.

I get to know Medusa through one of the famous game from Blizzard - "Warcraft III", and at that time I thought Medusa was just one of the character created by a group great designers of Blizzard.*shame* However, it is not...The name - 'Medusa' already live in this world for centuries.

Medusa, once the most beautiful women in the world, and this make a lot of mans lined up to date her. These 'mans' include one the god named Poseidon (the god of sea). He seduce Medusa, and both found lay together by Athena in her temple. This 'unacceptable affair' discovery make Athena very angry, and transform Medusa's beautiful long hair into serpent with a scary face; and curse her to turn anyone that she looking at into stone/rock.

If you 'googling' there are more than one version about Medusa, but i found the abovementioned are most commonly used to describe Medusa....

a view from Phoenix City of China (凤凰古城)...


(e+ho)ng said...

What does Medusa has to do with Phoenix City of China? :O

~~詠鉌の物語~~ said...

Bro, all shared photos are not intend to relate to the article like this..

Just would like to fill some color to the post :-)