Friday, December 31, 2010

Chin Huey in Straits Quay...

The remorse feeling of me makes me write this blog post to show some beauty of Straits Quay with the vibrant and gorgeous model - Chin Huey. Major credits should goes to Chin Huey, and she should conceited as she manage to add colors to Straits Quay - an under development shopping mall/residential area.

a remarkable shot. I've been brought to the security office 'mercilessly' after this shoot... -.-"

Personally, I like this shoot a lot, as the directional lighting from left bring a little bit feeling of studio portraits. :p

I took this photo sneakily from the staircase...

That's how Chin Huey add the colors to Straits Quay!!

She is also sweet as the lollipop, and the wallpaper is meant for her. :-)


Thanks to Joey for the human-made wind to come out such effect.. :-)




a seductive post from Chin Huey..

Thursday, December 30, 2010




昔日猪朋狗友,既是从中学到学院的一班‘死党’。因为之前要上下午班、夜班,导致两年以内都无法出席他们的聚会而疏远了彼此的感情,想借此机会去见见这班‘Long time no see’的老朋友。很明显大家都‘发福’了;同时,大家都纷纷地找到另外一半,双双对对了,很替他们欣慰。老样子,都会玩一些游戏来增加圣诞晚会的气氛,顿时,觉得自己老了,有点‘代沟’的味道;不过,还是很尽情地参与了...因为脑海里不停的播映着4、5年前的画面,气氛一样,只是景色、人物都已经换上崭新的一幕。我,还是很enjoy...

过后,从Tj. Tokong驾车到Air Itam同事家。刚踏进家门,就被要求喝一杯需要配一小匙盐巴的 - Bombay Sapphire,是Dry Jin的一种。说真的,味道超难喝,很干烈!喝到凌晨2时许,觉得到自己的极限了,晕沉沉地走到车子,不知怎的觉得胸口的气被顶住了,慢慢地驶到安全的拐弯处,呕吐了...很辛苦,那时候对自己说,不要了,以后都不要了!

直到隔天早上,一点进食的胃口都没有,直到下午3时许,才恢复了食欲,吃了一碗面线 + 红鸡蛋,原来,26-Dec-2010是我农历的生日。我很愧疚的吃完整碗面,那普通的味道却带着妈妈的心意,好温暖,真的好温暖....


Thursday, December 23, 2010

80后的2010/2011 困扰



朋友告诉我她有点困惑,明知道有人很钟意她,但又很肯定他不是自己的那杯茶。她不想破坏了和这位朋友的友情,另一方面又真的不想让他有任何遐想, 还真的很烦恼!

想了想,这次我竟然一点意见都没给,还真的不太像平时的我呢!想了好久,手板是肉,手背也是肉,还是不要破坏这大自然的定律才好,让他们顺其自然吧! :-)


Tuesday, December 21, 2010


这件悲剧发生后,几天内成为本地中文论坛的热门话题,在刚过去的周末这话题更是白热化。我逛了一逛本地数一数二的中文论坛:Cari(佳里) ,有很多Lala仔和Lala妹竟然觉得这是一件可歌可泣,并可以见证‘真爱’的‘壮举’;很多90后的少女更开始质问自己男友会不会这样为自己‘牺牲’....

我傻眼了,怎么90后的人都那么‘不会想’?!?! 续之前的部落格,看来我的看法对了一大半:家庭悲剧是问题的根源,导致现在的华社都自私了!






我相信,这都是江枻丰为情坠楼自杀的后遗症...90后的你们,是否可以醒过来,看看这些所谓伟大的爱情故事其实一点都不伟大,反而让人觉得很无知,让身边关心他们的人悲痛欲绝 - 这就是所谓的伟大?

Sunday, December 19, 2010

a bad experience in Penang Straits Quay

Recently, I heard about Penang new shopping mall – Straits Quay, but I have no idea what it looks like, just keep received a lot of positive comments: beautiful & nice environment, romantic, and suitable for portrait photography.

That’s what my buddy told me, a guy from Ipoh. I feel shame that I need an Ipoh guy to told me what is the famous thing in Penang now.

Then, they ask for portrait photo shoot at Straight Quay. I was thinking: Wow, what a good timing for me to hear about this shopping mall, and have photograph session there.

I wake up at my usual time - 6am, and get myself prepare for this photo shoot; maybe I’m getting too excited. We meet up at McD Sunrise tower, fill out my stomach with McD Fillet O’Fish breakfast set, and drive toward to Straight Quay.

When I arrive, I need to direct by the security officer to the right car park, before I equip myself with my lovely gear: Nikon D700, Nikkor 85mm f1.8, Nikon SB900 Flash, & Nikkor 35mm f2.0. We spend our 35 mins ‘warm-up’ time there with some building shoots, before the arrival of the gorgeous model : xxxx.

After everything is ready, I made my first shoot with Nikkor 85mm f1.8, and I heard a very unfriendly voice shout at us:

“..Hey, you all can’t take photo here!! You need approval from our head office before you can do so!!!”

I’m so surprise that we’ve been stop by the security officer there. I tried to explain to him that we’re don’t use the photos for commercial purpose but for personal interest only, and our explanation seems to be ignored by this Indian security officer, and ‘invite’ us to meet his ‘boss’ in the security room.

I went there with my buddy: Luke, and we’ve been told that we need to get approval from their Sales Gallery office, and make the payment of RM500 per hour before we can take photo there. Again, I talk nicely to this Chinese ‘security officer’s head’ that we are not from any Magazine/Publisher that will use the photos for commercial purpose. And again, my explanation being ignored and rejected by this ‘uncivilized creature’, with a very unfriendly way I would said.

I know I can’t continue the conversation with this ‘creature’, so I request to talk to someone who has higher authority. He provides the contact number with a unfriendly way, and I just call up this lady straight away.

This lady: Emily, request us to meet her at the information counter. While we’re waiting, (stand there approximately for 20mins), some of my buddy just took 1 or 2 scenery photos inside the building. Their action attracts an Indian security officer come to ask us leave the building as no approval from their head office. Due to I do not speak the language as this poor creature do, I just ignore him, and continue standing there to wait for Emily.

At last, Straits Quay has someone civilized, and understandable that I can talk to. We provide her all the personal blog web addresses, and explain that we – bloggers, can help them do a free advertisement through the web to gain more people get knowing about this new shopping mall. Finally she allow us to continue our photo shoot there for 2 hours. I take this opportunity to feedback about we’ve been treated in a very unfriendly way by their security officer’s head.

Honestly, although the place is nice, but I would say they hire wrong people who totally do not know how to handle this situation in a proper way.

Please take a look to some photos that I taken from Straight Quay…


The Banner...


Still under construction..I believe this will turn into a very interesting place :-)


Suddenly I see this view is better than Gurney sea view. What do you think?


The Light House of Straits Quay..yet to complete


I just love the sky so much....


View from light house :-)

Sunday, December 12, 2010



在自杀前45分钟,还在面子书 (Facebook)倒数,却没有一个朋友、家人相信,反而大家都以为他在借面子书来发泄他分手后悲伤的心情,谁知道,他,真的从14楼跳下去了....就这样,这自私的行为结束了一条宝贵的生命!







Sunday, December 05, 2010






Thursday, November 25, 2010










Wednesday, November 10, 2010

水灾后的合艾 - this is the Hatyai after the flood

好久没有和家人远行了,难得有机会和爸妈、姐到合艾去拜佛,带了心爱的Nikon D700一起去了。途中,还一直担心那里水灾的状况是否会影响我们的拜佛之旅...


最后一天在合艾,决定到大巴杀买东西时,发现没人在所谓的巴杀开档,反而在路边摆起许多摊子来了,买的都是真正的‘水货’ -〉浸过水的货品...







这场水灾似乎也带来许多商机 :-)



Thursday, November 04, 2010

槟城观音亭 2010


感谢OngTc, Soh Pey Jin, Look Chee Wai, Patrick Lim, Barry Chang; 为这个摄影活动增添了不少颜色。














Saturday, October 30, 2010

VMWare ESX 3.x not able to detect Intel Gigabit adapters

Few days back, I received a customer's complaint about the VMWare ESX 3.X not able to detect the brand new Intel Network adapter. After check through the setup/configuration, I confirm there something to do with the product compatibility between this two famous company. This issue leave me no choice, but had to research by my own in order to appease this customer from bugging me through phone or email.

I'm lucky enough to get the below information within 15 mins, and I have to not only thank god, but need to thank Google - the powerful search engine as well.

From VMWare Knowledge-base, stated that the below Intel Adapter need to load the specify IGB driver, in order to get detected.

Networking devices based on the Intel® 82575 Gigabit Ethernet Controller:
  • Intel® 82575EB Gigabit Network Connection
  • Intel® 82575EB Gigabit Backplane Connection
  • Intel® Gigabit VT Quad Port Server Adapter
Networking devices based on the Intel® 82576 Gigabit Ethernet Controller:
  • Intel® 82576 Gigabit Network Connection
  • Intel® Gigabit ET Dual Port Server Adapter
  • Intel® Gigabit EF Dual Port Server Adapter

Solution from VMWare:

  • Enable NetQueue in VMkernel using VMware Infrastructure Client:

    1. Choose Configuration > Advanced Settings > VMkernel.
    2. Select VMkernel.Boot.netNetqueueEnabled.
  • Enable the igb module in the service console of the ESX host:

    # esxcfg-module -e igb
  • Set the required load option for igb to turn on VMDq:

    The option IntMode=3 must exist to indicate loading in VMDq mode. A value of 3 for the IntMode parameter specifies using MSI-X and automatically sets the number of receive queues to the maximum supported (devices based on the 82575 Controller enable 4 receive queues per port; devices based on the 82576 Controller enable 8 receive queues per port). The number of receive queues used by the igb driver in VMDq mode cannot be changed.

    For a single port, use the command:

    # esxcfg-module -s "IntMode=3" igb

    For two or more ports, use a comma-separated list of values as shown in the following example (the parameter is applied to the igb-supported interfaces in the order they are enumerated on the PCI bus):

    # esxcfg-module -s "IntMode=3,3, ... 3" igb
  • Reboot the ESX host system.

    Note: If you are using jumbo frames, you also need to change the values for
    netPktHeapMinSize to 32 and netPktHeapMaxSize to 128.

    For more information:

    one of my favorite shots during wedding day..
  • Saturday, October 23, 2010

    Enquiry or Complaint?

    Many Singapore customer tend to ask many technical question after they received the server/storage. For me, I don't think that is kind of enquiry, but I feel they're just a living thing that can't stop complaining.

    Simple question for a LCD Monitor problem, they'll asking with a friendly tone, but with a lot of 'thorns' hide within the sentences.

    "..I found the LCD is shaky and it happened every 8-10sec. Is that the hardware issue? Oh ya, can I sue Dexx as it cause my eye very uncomfortable.. "

    I just answered as below:

    "..Allow me to help you on the LCD monitor issue, and that's your choice whether you want to sue Dexx or not..", and blar blar blar....

    I thought my answer can divert customer attention, and satisfy as I didn't reject him for the replacement. And recently, I'm always surprised by something that I totally can't think of;

    "..Of course you must arrange for the replacement, because i'm pay for that! But do you think after the LCD monitor replacement my eye will just be fine in a second?? "
    I nearly want to shout at this brainless, pity living thing like Adam Lambert's hit song :
    Of course, an educated and professional person like me wouldn't do this to customer, but frank to say I did scold him from my heart. -.-"

    At last, I suggest him to call Customer Care department for those 'sue' request, and I just feel sick continue talk to this civilized people but only with a piece of Certificate, and that's it. I'm doubt whether in his skull did carry something that allow him to think like a human or not!!
    Believe me or not, this is definitely not a kind of fictitious, but it does exist. Cheers for Singaporean!

    another 'old' shot done by my 'old' Nikon D60 with Nikkor 55-200mm f3.5 - 5.6

    *P/S: the main purpose I wrote this is to release/express my unbalance feeling toward my daily job only; there is nothing more than this

    Thursday, October 21, 2010


    上天总是这样子,为了让你珍惜,会像《西游记》里般,安排了999难让一个人通过...又会有多少人 能够通过这所谓的“999难”?那一些欲要过关斩将,不畏辛苦地面对这些‘难’的人,又有谁会相信他们呢?


    千禧年后,‘诺言’、‘信用’的价值又贬值了。当了婚礼摄影师(Wedding Photographer)后,发现十之八九的接新娘的仪式当中,都会有姐妹团要求新郎签[爱的宣言]的部分,里边的内容都是一些要男方承诺一些在婚后要好好对待新娘的条规...







    Thursday, October 14, 2010

    Power Consumption for Dell PowerConnect 6224P

    Being a Server/Storage support for three years, I can't believe the below enquiry was first time delivered to my ear:

    "..we already confirmed the order for Dell PowerConnect 6224P, and it should arrive tomorrow. Before that, we would like to know the power consumption for this switch, so that we can plan for the power input source..."

    It sounds nothing wrong, but the documentation is killing me again because it just leave me with this lines:

    Surprisingly, this Singaporean doesn't know (or maybe pretend do not know) what is standard AC - Alternating Current for their own country. After research for almost one hour, I managed to get help from Google about the whole complete list of Singapore Standards -
    SS 307 : 1996 -> Applies to portable cable reels for alternating current (a.c.) only, having a rated voltage not exceeding 250V, rated current not exceeding 13A and provided with a non-detachable flexible cable or cord, intended for domestic and similar purposes, either indoors or outdoors. Does not apply to cable reeling devices incorporated in appliances.
    Luckily this typical Singaporean was satisfied with the provided information.

    The simplest question always will become the most difficult one to answer.

    one of my favorite sunrise taken from Penang Jetty...Guess what, this is also taken with my D60! :-)

    Monday, October 11, 2010

    at least 30 times "Thank you" per day

    When my mind get stuck during office hour, I always look at the date/time from my laptop or the IP Phone right in front of me. Maybe, unconsciously I just want the time to move faster, so that I can stay out of the mess...

    Time flies, I just can't believe I've been described as 'Technical Support Specialist' for three years plus. I always ask myself :
    "..are you tired to serve customer through the phone? and just let customer scold you just they because want to? "

    Time after time, I'm getting tired to budge myself suite the routine job, or 'motivate' myself look towards the $$ but not the job. What to do? I really no idea what to do, but seek for entertainment from the job.

    Entertainment? Yes, this is exactly what I mean.

    Today, a Singapore customer ask me:

    "..I am not using your Server Rack, but I want to buy a rack's keyboard from your site. However, I have limited space, and the desire size is not more than 360mm x135mm..."

    I'm just speechless for around 3 seconds, and inform customer that our rack's keyboard isn't design for other brands, and I advice him not to buy from us to avoid incompatible issue. The customer just replied me as such:

    "..Yup, I know it might not compatible, but I just satisfy with the design, and I would like to try my luck to get the desire one from your end...."

    I have no choice but need to get the required info for him.

    *15mins later*

    I can't get any info from any online resources, even our own documentation are just ruthless to give me nothing. In this helpless period, something just come out from my mind like the Kit-Kat Chocolate advertisement. *tink*


    I run to the testing lab to measure the keyboard with the plastic ruler, then copy down the measurement on a piece of paper. *sweat*

    This portraits was taken with my Nikon D60 two years ago...ain't that bad huh. ^_^

    Wednesday, October 06, 2010

    毫无准备 = 浪费时间


    在大道收费站,如果你是 Touch N' Go 的用户,那还好;不然的话,你肯定会遇到我最憎恨的情况:




    以下的连接可以查询你总共所需的费用,只要点击 [Toll Fare Calculator],就会出现一个Pop-up Menu,输入你的出发点和目的地,所需的费用就可以一目了然:

    我不只是坐在喝酒,同时我也很在意身边的一些景色...有得选的话,我比较喜欢Kilkenny多过Carlsberg 和 Tiger...

    Sunday, October 03, 2010

    Photography or Graphic Design?







    我们活在这世界上, 都不可能是环境来跟着我们的原则,而是我们必须跟着环境的变化来改变自己。既然是这样的话,那好照片(即是那些没有经过设计的照片)就留给自己看;然后就顺众要求的在照片加以设计后才贴出来!
