I dare not describe myself as a meticulous type of person, but I do hear my customer very carefully, especially when I got a call from a Malay speaker (due to my 'bahasa' isn't good enough).
"Can you help me to disconnect the power cable from the back of the server?"
"Ok, let me go to the back of the server..", said the Malay lady.
After 3-4 minutes, the Malay lady came back and said
"I tak nampak tu power on-off button dari back lah, you sure ni dekat server punya belakang ke?", surprisingly this lady start to doubts on me.
My intuitive sense told me this so call Server Administrator doesn't have any technical knowledge on server and I have to treat her like a primary school girl....
Lastly, I manage to end this call with my glib instruction to guide her through out the troubleshooting, and I'm sure my blood pressure increase a lot while I'm talking to her. Cheers for this company to have such 'experienced' server administrator. -.-"

Penang Kek Lok Li's Pagoda. It has been there for decades, and I just make my first visit to climb up this pagoda last Chinese New Year. What about you?
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